Record Type: FamilyTreeDNA
FamilyTreeDNA’s My Origins offers a glimpse of geographic ancestry
The new admixture analysis at FanilyTreeDNA offers customers a glimpse into geographic genetic history, but is there any use to this information?
View the family tree without paying a membership fee
Family members can now view the entire family tree online without creating an account on or dealing with the company’s incessant advertisements.
FamilyTreeDNA mitochondrial DNA results
My FamilyTreeDNA mitochondrial DNA results are in. The test has identified my haplogroup subclade as K2a2a1.
FamilyTreeDNA Family Finder results
FamilyTreeDNA’s Family Finder suggests I have two close matches and hundreds of distant relatives.
FamilyTreeDNA offers some insight
FamilyTreeDNA reveals my membership in haplogroup G2c through testing Y chromosome DNA.