
Media file
Title: Michael-Sturmwald-Marriage-1
Media type: image
Format: jpg
Record ID number
August 1, 1860
<metadataxml><cemetery /><transcription>Details

Marriage ID number 2418
Marriage community Wallerstein
Marriage date 01. Aug. 1860
Groom's given name or patronymic MICHAEL
Groom's civil name STURMWALD (EVTL. STURMBAND ?)
Groom's father Israel Loew Sturmband oder Sturmwald ?
Groom's mother Fradel nee Reif
Groom's age c30
Groom's origin Forth bei Erlangen
Groom's birthplace
Groom's residence Forth bei Erlangen
Groom's marital status Unmarried
Groom's occupation Produktenhaendler
Groom's occupation (english) Trader in products
Bride's given name FANY
Bride's given name or patronymic ELKAN
Bride's father Leopold Elkan
Bride's mother Perl nee Schuster
Bride's age c24
Bride's marital status Unmarried
Bride's origin Wassertruedingen
Rabbi officiating Not given
Place of marriage Wallerstein
Full text of record MICHAEL STURMWALD (evtl. Sturmband ?), lediger Produktenhaendler in Forth bei Erlangen, geboren 1830 in Forth (Sohn von Israel Loew Sturmband oder Sturmwald ? und Fradel geb Reif), heiratet am 1 Aug 1860 in Wassertruedingen die ledige FANY ELKAN, geboren 1836 in Moenchsroth (Tochter von Leopold Elkan und Perl geb Schuster) – Rabbiner = ?
image file name </transcription></metadataxml>
Created at
2013-01-24 01:37:30.893
Original text
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Michael Sturmwald
February 13, 1830
194 Forth bei Erlangen, Bayern, Germany
9 October 28, 1905
119 75 Greece, Monroe, New York, USA
Fanny Elkan
about 1836
188 Mönchsroth, Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany
9 September 1909
115 73 Schnaittach, Nürnberger Land, Bavaria, Germany
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Michael Sturmwald
30 Fanny Elkan
24 164 Wallerstein, Donau-Ries, Bayern, Germany
9 Never
Title Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change