
Media file
Title: Wasserman-Stein
Media type: image
Format: jpg
Record ID number
Created at
2018-12-27 18:57:30.340
Original text
Given namesSurnameBirth Place Death AgePlaceLast change
Gertrude Stein
Father: Samuel Stein
Mother: Chava Eva Cantor
September 20, 1895
May 12, 1894
129 Lubin, Russia
Lubin, Russia
2 Never
Showing 1 to 1 of 1
Decade of birth
Decade of death
This information is not available.
Age related to death year
This information is not available.
Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage Place
Harry Wasserman
Father: Berl Wasserman
Mother: Yenta Kapstein
21 Gertrude Stein
Father: Samuel Stein
Mother: Chava Eva Cantor
22 106 New York, New York, USA
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