Berman home movies

These films were recorded by Aaron (Al) Berman from the 1940s through the 1970s. At some point in the 1990s, the 8mm reels were converted to VHS tape. Barbara Berman-Moonlight recently loaned me the VHS tapes to convert to digital format. She also provided several home recordings on vinyl that I digitized and published earlier this year.

I will need some help labeling these videos, so I’ll continue to update this page as I have more to share.

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5 responses to “Berman home movies”

  1. Shari Landes Avatar
    Shari Landes

    The first one loaded quickly – still trying to load #2 and #3. Besides Barbara, saw Pat and Al of course – also, saw a chubby 1-year old who was me – a quick Grandma Viv – Grandma Anne, Grandpa Ben, thought I saw Larry Abrams for a second too. Wonderful!!!

    1. Harlan Landes Avatar
      Harlan Landes

      There was a problem with the videos on Firefox, but they should be working now.

  2. Shari Landes Avatar
    Shari Landes

    Real quick – in ‘Just slidin’ along’ I saw Barbara and Pat, In Here Comes Santa I saw Grandma Lily and also Lena, Sylvia, Cye, Shari, Barbara, Ben, Larry (who was usually Santa), Viv, Grandpa Jack, Baby David, Larry and Grandma Anne at window. In Coney Island I saw Rita, Pat, Barbara, Grandma Anne, Shari, Barbara (walking down street), Cye, Viv, Larry, Rita – all walking on Mermaid Ave, Coney Island — on the ride in Coney Island: Shari, Barbara – in Living Room – Anna, Ben, Larry, Pat, Shari and Barbara. Wish we could reach David Abrams somehow!

  3. Mark Neckameyer Avatar
    Mark Neckameyer

    Shari, I passed your blog and website info to my nephew Aaron Neckameyer who has moved to Israel, became a Rabi. He is son of Bill Neckameyer who was son of Arthur who was son of Irving and Ana in New York.
    Mark Neckameyer

  4. Nancy Rotkowitz Avatar
    Nancy Rotkowitz

    I have David Abrams info.

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