8 children
שמואל ב״ר זאב װאָלף בערמאַן
Birth: Current Ukraine — March 26, 1889
— Odessa, Russia
Death: 1567 39th St., Age: 49 — April 26, 1938 — Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
זאב װאלף בערמאן
Birth: Russia
Death: Fannie is listed as widowed in 1910 census. — before 1910
פײגא בת הרב ר' עזריאל יוסך יהודא …
Birth: about 1848
— Russia
Death: Arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, senility; informant: Anna Berman, daughter-in-law., Age: 97 — May 23, 1945 — Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA
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